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利用第五次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)中5个气候模式在3种典型浓度路径(RCPs)下的预估结果驱动SWAT水文模型,预估了21世纪气候变化对长江上游年径流量、季节分配以及极端径流的影响。结果表明:预估的长江上游平均气温呈显著上升趋势,21世纪末较当前(1986—2005年)升高1.5~5.5℃,降水总体呈增加趋势,在21世纪30年代后高于当前气候平均值,21世纪末相对于当前增加5%~15%。流域内气候变化存在明显空间差异,金沙江和岷沱江流域气温升高和降水增加幅度均大于流域平均值。预估的长江上游年径流量及各月平均径流均有增加趋势,在21世纪30年代后高于当前多年平均值,21世纪中期增加4%~8%,21世纪末增加10%~15%。预估的径流年内分布的均匀性有所增加,但年际变化明显增大,极端旱涝事件的频率和强度明显增加。预估的各子流域径流变化对气候变化的响应也存在差异,金沙江和岷沱江流域年径流量、年际变化和年内分布变化小,对气候变化的响应表现为低敏感;嘉陵江流域、乌江流域和长江上游干流径流增加幅度大,同时极端丰枯出现的频率和程度增加显著,是气候变化响应的敏感区域。  相似文献   
六盘山区是中国典型的农牧交错带和生态脆弱带,也是黄土高原重要的水源涵养地、生态保护区及国家级扶贫开发区。利用2017年6-11月隆德气象站地基多通道微波辐射计资料,结合同期平凉探空站及隆德地面降水等观测资料,分析了六盘山区夏秋季大气水汽、液态水变化特征。结果表明:六盘山区夏秋季在降水天气背景下,大气水汽含量和液态水含量均较高,分别为无降水天气背景下的1.4倍和7.0倍;降水天气背景下水汽在5000 m以下有明显的增加,且在此高度范围内的水汽密度随高度的递减率比无降水天气背景下明显偏小;各高度层的液态水相比无降水天气背景下均有明显增大,除6月外,主峰值均出现在0℃层高度层以下。六盘山区夏秋季各月中,6-9月。大气水汽含量高值区均出现在正午到傍晚时段,低值区均出现在日出前后;液态水含量在日出前、午后及傍晚分别出现峰值,最明显的峰值出现在午后。对一次对流性降水天气过程分析后发现,降水发生前40 min大气水汽含量和液态水含量出现两次明显的跃增,水汽向上输送不断加强,2500-7500 m高度的相对湿度明显增大。  相似文献   
使用常规观测资料、FY-2G卫星及1°×1°的NCEP再分析资料,对2017年7月6—7日内蒙古东南部地区一次冷涡暴雨天气过程进行分析。结果表明:在稳定的"一槽一脊"型环流背景下,阻塞高压稳定维持,西风槽东移受阻移动缓慢,加深为涡,暴雨发生在冷涡发展加强阶段;低空急流建立,一方面形成偏南水汽输送,为暴雨提供源源不断的水汽,水汽收支主要集中在700 hPa以下,暴雨发生前水汽净收入明显增大,南、北边界水汽贡献率大;另一方面,偏南暖湿气流的输送使不稳定层结建立,能量在暴雨区积聚,偏南低空急流与高空急流耦合,又为暴雨发生提供了动力条件;暴雨发生前后湿度场变化显著,大气可降水量最大达到55—60 kg·m-2,且暴雨发生前增幅显著,增幅近2倍。暴雨区700 hPa (850 hPa)上比湿不低于7 g·kg-1(12 g·kg-1),强降水出现在水汽图上白亮区断裂消失后,高层比湿峰值附近和相当黑体温度<230 K为强降水高发区。  相似文献   
利用1961年1月—2014年12月Hadley气候预测研究中心的全球海表温度(SST)资料,NECP/NCAR逐日风场、比湿等再分析资料,国家气象信息中心提供的中国753站逐日降水、160站逐月降水资料,对比分析了东部(EP)型和中部(CP)型两类El Niňo事件次年夏季长江-黄河流域降水(简记为EP型和CP型降水)低频特征,以及与之相关的低频水汽输送差异。结果表明,1)平均而言,EP型降水主要有10~20 d(最显著)以及20~30 d(次显著)低频周期;CP型降水主要有10~20 d的低频显著周期。与之相关的纬、经向水汽通量最显著低频周期也为10~20 d。2)影响EP、CP型低频降水共同的低频水汽环流系统主要有:菲律宾群岛附近的异常反气旋式水汽环流和渤海湾附近(日本东南侧)的异常气旋式(反气旋式)水汽环流。另外,影响EP(CP)型低频降水的还有来自巴尔喀什湖东北部异常气旋式水汽环流(孟加拉湾、苏门答腊岛以西的异常气旋式水汽环流对和贝加尔湖西、东两侧的异常气旋式、反气旋式环流)。3)EP型降水暖湿水汽主要源自南海,冷湿水汽主要源自西北太平洋,冷空气来自巴尔喀什湖东北部和贝加尔湖西北侧。CP型降水暖湿水汽少量来自阿拉伯海和印度洋,大量来自热带西太平洋,冷空气主要来自贝加尔湖西北侧。  相似文献   
The Visible and Infrared Spin-Scan Radiometer(VISSR) onboard the Fengyun-2(FY-2) satellite can provide valuable thermal infrared observations to help create a precipitable water vapor(PWV) product with high spatial and temporal resolutions. The current FY-2/VISSR PWV product in operation is produced by using a traditional two-band physical split-window(PSW) method, which produces low quality results under dry atmospheric conditions. Based on the sensitivity characteristics of FY-2 F/VISSR water vapor channel and two split-window channels to atmospheric water vapor, this study developed a new, robust operational PWV retrieval algorithm for FY-2 F to improve the operational precision of the current PWV product. The algorithm uses a modified three-band PSW method, which adds a scale for the water vapor channel in the improved three-band PSW method. Integrated PWV products from the radiosonde data in 2016 are used here to validate the precision of the PWV retrieved by the modified three-band and traditional two-band PSW methods. The mean bias, root mean square error(RMSE), and correlation coefficient of the PWV retrieved by the modified three-band PSW method are 0.28 mm, 4.53 mm, and 0.969, respectively. The accuracy is much better than the PWV retrieved by the two-band method, whose mean bias, RMSE, and correlation coefficient are 12.67 mm, 29.35 mm, and 0.23. Especially, in mid-or high-latitude regions, the RMSE of the PWV is improved from 10 to 2 mm by changing the inversion in the two-band method to the modified three-band PSW method. Furthermore, the modified three-band PSW results show a better consistency with the radiosonde PWV at any zonal belt and season than the two-band PSW results. This new algorithm could significantly improve the quality of the current FY-2 F/VISSR PWV product, especially at sites where the actual PWV are lower than 15 mm.  相似文献   
利用多普勒天气雷达探测资料,结合常规气象观测资料和天气实况及灾情调查,对2018年8月14日台风“摩羯”(1814)和8月19日台风“温比亚”(1818)产生龙卷的环境物理量及龙卷风暴强度结构特征进行了分析,对诱发龙卷和未诱发龙卷的小尺度气旋性涡旋特征进行了对比。结果表明:两次台风减弱低压东北象限是龙卷发生的关键区,低层高湿,强的低层垂直风切变和大的相对风暴螺旋度是关键物理量;龙卷出现时都伴有ΔV>20.0 m·s-1的小尺度气旋性涡旋,且基本出现在2.0 km高度以下,但并不是所有这种低层小尺度气旋性涡旋都能诱发龙卷;以ΔV>20.0 m·s-1为阈值,龙卷识别具有较高的命中率,识别准确率为31.8%,空报率为67.4%,漏报率为6.7%;约35.7%的龙卷没有识别时间提前量,半数龙卷几乎没有预警时间提前量。  相似文献   
全球变暖的背景下,北极航线的常规通航甚至商业运营有望实现,而海雾会严重影响航道上船只的航行安全。海冰的存在使海气之间相互作用变得更为复杂,是研究北极海雾不可忽略的因素。船载观测发现,与中纬度常见平流冷却雾形成时气温下降速度往往超过海水降温速度不同,北极海雾发生时海冰的存在还会使海水降温速度超过空气降温速度。然而目前海冰分布是否会影响模式模拟海雾的准确性还不得而知,因此本文利用Polar WRF(Polar Weather Research and Forecasting)模式模拟了中国第七次北极考察中观测到的一次海雾过程,并进行海冰密集度敏感性试验。通过与船载观测和欧洲中期天气预报中心再分析数据比对发现,在低浮冰区内(海冰密集度小于50%)考虑海冰分布时可以更加准确地刻画潜热通量与水汽通量,模拟出与观测事实相符的表层空气降温与增湿过程以及相对湿度的变化,因此能够更好地刻画海雾的三维结构及其生消演变。  相似文献   
Accurate pesticide exposure estimation is integral to epidemiologic studies elucidating the role of pesticides in human health. Humans can be exposed to pesticides via residential proximity to agricultural pesticide applications (drift). We present an improved geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing method, the Landsat method, to estimate agricultural pesticide exposure through matching pesticide applications to crops classified from temporally concurrent Landsat satellite remote sensing images in California. The image classification method utilizes Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values in a combined maximum likelihood classification and per-field (using segments) approach. Pesticide exposure is estimated according to pesticide-treated crop fields intersecting 500 m buffers around geocoded locations (e.g., residences) in a GIS. Study results demonstrate that the Landsat method can improve GIS-based pesticide exposure estimation by matching more pesticide applications to crops (especially temporary crops) classified using temporally concurrent Landsat images compared to the standard method that relies on infrequently updated land use survey (LUS) crop data. The Landsat method can be used in epidemiologic studies to reconstruct past individual-level exposure to specific pesticides according to where individuals are located.  相似文献   
Rockfill is an important construction material for infrastructure engineering, such as dams, railways and airport foundations, which display a long-term post-construction settlement. However, the main mechanisms for rockfill creep and weathering influence still remain poorly understood. Particle mechanics method is used to understand the rockfill creep process under dry and wet conditions. Different bond-aging models and wetting models that represent different degradation and weakening mechanisms are compared, in order to clarify the principle and secondary mechanisms for rockfill creep and weathering influence. The results show that rockfill aggregate breakage in terms of angularity abrasion is the main source for rockfill creep under dry state. Wetting can induce additional strain mainly due to the reduction of contact friction coefficient, i.e. lubrication, and the bond strength reduction just plays a secondary role in producing additional strain. The earlier the wetting occurs during rockfill creep, the more rapidly the rockfill becomes stable. The wetting–drying cycles can induce strain evolution in a ‘stepped’ way, which is in agreement with experimental observation. The practical implications from the modeling and the outstanding issues in this study are also discussed.  相似文献   
Based on insights from peasant and indigenous communities’ struggles for water in Andean Peru and Ecuador, in this article we argue that the defense of grassroots interests -and with it the advancement of more equitable governance- greatly hinges on the capacity of these groups to engage in grassroots scalar politics. With increasing pressure on water resources in the Andes, the access to water of many rural peasant and indigenous communities is being threatened. The growing realization that their access to water and related interests are embedded in broader regional and national politics, legal frameworks and water policies, has led many communities and peasant water user associations to engage in networks and create alliances with other water users, governmental institutions and non-governmental actors. To better understand these (and other) grassroots struggles and strategies, in this contribution we develop the concept of grassroots scalar politics, which we use as a lens to analyze two case studies. In Ecuador we present how water users of the province of Chimborazo have defended their interests through the consolidation of the Provincial Water Users Associations’ Federation Interjuntas-Chimborazo and its networks. Then we focus on how with the support of Interjuntas-Chimborazo the Water Users Association of the Chambo irrigation system defended their historical water allocation. In Peru we analyze the conformation and achievements of the federative Water Users Association of Ayacucho (JUDRA) and present how the community of Ccharhuancho in the region of Huancavelica, managed to defend its waters and territory against the coastal irrigation sector of Ica.  相似文献   
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